FSC®-certified – For the love of nature!
The FSC®-certified, family-run Austrian company offers over 2,000 different quality products in the non-food segment and attaches great importance to responsible and sustainable use of resources.
With its new Naturally product line, the ISO-certified company is now making a significant contribution to protecting the environment, nature, and the climate: the Naturally range includes a large selection of environmentally-friendly and biodegradable disposable items made exclusively from renewable raw materials, such as wood, bamboo, corn and wheat straw.
In future, the packaging materials for the items will also be optimised and produced in a way that conserves resources. Naturally offers customers a range that is entirely geared towards sustainable environmental protection and fully complies with legal requirements.

Forest Stewardship Council®
Forests for everyone, forever
Because so many things in our lives come from the forest, we are committed to keeping our forests alive for future generations.

Who or what is the FSC®?
The FSC® was founded by environmental associations in 1993 as a non-profit organisation.
The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is a global, non-profit organisation with the purpose of promoting responsible forest management worldwide. The FSC defines standards for responsible forest management based on established principles, which are developed and supported by stakeholders from the fields of the environment, social issues, and the economy.
For more information, visit: www.fsc.org
What are the goals of the FSC®?
The aim of the FSC is to help improve forest management worldwide. The FSC sees itself as a platform where representatives with different interests in forests can come together and reach a consensus on responsible forest management.
The most important instrument for marketing corresponding products is the labelling of the products with the FSC label.
How do products become FSC®-certified?
FSC standards determine the minimum ecological and social standards that must be met when managing forests. Compliance with these standards by every forest owner is checked on site annually by independent auditors (certifiers). Owner can only label wood with the FSC label and market it accordingly after passing the inspection.
As part of the further processing, additional inspections ensure that FSC wood is not mixed and labelled with non-certified wood without permission. The FSC thus provides a trademark that consumers can use to identify responsible and verified forest management.
The rules for forests
10 principles – worldwide

The FSC® has drawn up ten principles for forest certification (FSC Forest Management FM) that apply worldwide. The following points, among others, are essential:
Principle 1: Compliance with the law
Principle 2: Workers' rights and working conditions
Principle 3: Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Principle 4: Relationships with the local population
Principle 5: Forest services
Principle 6: Environmental impact
Principle 7: Management
Principle 8: Monitoring and evaluation
Principle 9: Special protection values
Principle 10: Implementation of management measures
Source: https://www.fsc-deutschland.de/de-de/der-fscr/prinzipien
The advantages of FSC®-certified products:
• By choosing FSC®-certified products, you are supporting responsible forest management in the world's forests.
• You and your customers can have a clear conscience when using FSC®-certified products.
• You are offering your customers added value.
• You are also enhancing your products.
• It is an open and trustworthy way of communicating your commitment to sustainability.
• FSC® certificates are recognised worldwide.
How can you identify FSC®-certified items from Decor Service?
• You can find general information on certified items in our catalogue, in our Naturally brochure, and on our website.
• We indicate certified items for you on official documents (e.g. order confirmations, delivery notes, invoices, etc.).
• The certified products are advertised with the FSC® trademark.
ISO 9001 certification – success with quality
You can put your trust in our quality, because our quality management system is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001. This means that the processes at Decor Service are independently checked and verified. Nevertheless, we continuously optimise our processes, to make them a bit better every day.

What does ISO 9001 mean
ISO 9001 is the globally recognised standard for the certification of quality management systems.
The international standard ISO 9001 enables the company to improve its services, implement changes in a future-oriented and sustainable manner, and develop effective and efficient processes.
The quality management system ensures that the company is able to meet both customer and legal requirements for its products and services. The ISO 9001 certification also serves to increase customer satisfaction, which is a top priority for the family business.
Continuous improvement process:
Plan - Do - Check – Act
The process-oriented approach is enshrined in the standard to ensure this. This includes a consistent process-orientation, the further development of the processes by following the plan-do-check-act model (PDCA cycle), and continuously assessing risks and opportunities.
The aim of the process-oriented approach is to create the following advantages for the organisation:
• Understanding requirements, risks, and interactions
• Optimising processes with a view to adding value
• Achieving effective process performance and results
• Continuous improvement of processes according to the organisation's strategic objectives

Success is a two-letter word: DO!
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -

Our quality policy
"In order to achieve our goals, we follow very clear guidelines for quality and environmental policy in our company. If you are interested in our policy, we will be happy to send it to you on request."